
The Church Is Not a Building

We’re finding ways to BE the church, even when we’re apart…

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our church building is closed, but the church itself continues to carry on its mission and ministries…

Worship at 10:30 This Sunday

You’re invited to our live online worship service this Sunday morning. Just visit our Facebook Page at 10:30 (you don’t need a Facebook account). If you’d like, you can join the service via Zoom and interact with the pastor and other worshipers; we’d be glad to send you Zoom sign-in information via email.

If you can’t make it on Sunday morning, you can view an archived version of the service on Facebook or just the sermon on our YouTube channel.

Stay Informed

We regularly send out emails with messages from Pastor Dean, news items about our missions and guidance for our worship services. Click here to join the mailing list.

Facebook Group

Our Facebook Page is open to the public (anyone can see what’s posted and read people’s comments), but in our Facebook Group only group members can see other members’ names and what they post. We use our Group to share personal updates, prayer requests and mutual encouragement. Just go to the Facebook Group and click “Join.”


Deacons are church members with a special calling to care for others. During this time apart, our Deacons are staying in contact with members and friends by phone, text and email. They also gather prayer requests and interact with people through the church’s Facebook Group.

Adult Education

Thanks to Zoom, you can take part in “Roundtable Talkback” sessions on a variety of topics at 9:15 AM each Sunday, or join a morning Bible study led by Pastor Dean on Tuesday mornings at 11:30 or Wednesdays at 11. For information on how to log in, join our email list or contact the church office.


Needless to say, we want to support our staff and our various missions during this time apart. Your donations can be mailed to the church, of course, but you can also give online. Your offerings will be a tremendous boost to our church and our many missions.

Devotional Resources

This time of forced isolation and inactivity could be the perfect time for you to develop new spiritual disciplines. We recommend the following resources:

Anti-Racism Resources

Other Community Resources